Thoracic disc herniation T6/T7 - Colorado Spine Surgeon
Hi! Found this site and the forum seems very helpful and informative.. I have some similarities with other posters but have some direct questions. I have had a full work up and repeat ct's and […]
Cervical Degenerative Facet Disease | Spine Specialist
Cervical degenerative facet disease, or arthrosis, causes four potential symptoms; neck pain, headaches, arm pain and instability pain.
Thoracic Back Pain, T7-T8 Buldging disc question with MRI results
I had an MRI done on my Thoracic spine in the last few days. The results are posted below this. RESULT: EXAM: Enhanced and Unenhanced Thoracic MRI INDICATION: Right arm pain/weakness and numbness. Mid back […]
How to Read an MRI of the Thoracic Spine | Spine Anatomy
Colorado spine surgeon Dr. Corenman teaches you how to read an MRI of the thoracic spine. He discusses the anatomy of the spine in the mid-back.
How serious is a flattened cord? - Colorado Spine Surgeon
Hi. I am 41 years old and I have been diagnosed with Degenerative Disc Disease. I had an MRI done on my neck after neck pain, numbness in arm and hand and fingers asleep an […]
compound fracture t5 t6 t7 t8 Archives » Donald Corenman MD …
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How Muscles Recover From Nerve Injuries | Spine Surgeon
Colorado spine surgeon, Dr. Corenman discusses how muscles recover from nerve injuries. Muscles have different ways to recover or adapt to nerve injuries.
Thoracic disc herniation T6 T7 D6 D7 - Colorado Spine Surgeon
2024年6月22日 · Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. I had back pain, sometimes at the top, sometimes in the middle, sometimes on the side of my back in the middle. I went to see the […]
Reply To: Re: Thoracic disc herniation T6/T7 - Colorado Spine …
Well, since receiving your last response I have followed up with a spine surgeon and there were a couple options on the table. I have an exaggerated kyphosis and a herniated disc at T6/T7 as […]
Broad-based bulging bulging at T7-8 mildly flattening ventral …
I've had two microdiscectomies and laminectomies on the L5-S1. In 2015, I had a onset over a few hours of terrible mid-back pain that cause lightening bolts down both arms and legs. I went to […]