Odium's Vessel (Spoilers for RoW + full Cosmere) : …
2020年11月21日 · Taravangian's inner monologue said that he found a way to beat Dalinar in the contest of champions, and even if Dalinar loses the world won't end, especially with Taravangian as Odium rather than Rayse. Despite its story being described as two arcs, the Stormlight Archive is ten books long, and right now we're only approaching the halfway mark.
The Master of Deaths : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
2021年11月9日 · Yes, you read it right. This is a Taravangian appreciation post. I’m going to explain why this old man is one of the coolest characters in the Stormlight Archive, the best villain I have read in the Cosmere (though I have yet to read Elantris and Era 2, so maybe that Hrathen guy is better idk) and one of my favorite villains ever.
Taravangian Explained! - Stormlight Archive (no WaT) - 17th …
2014年9月11日 · So, I was Lost in Thought, and I made a few discoveries. Upon my return from the Cognitive Realm, I feel an urgency to tell you what really happened to Taravangian, King of Kharbranth. First, a little review. After hearing about Gavilar Kholin's visions, and following his assassination by our friend Szeth, Taravangian sought out the Old Magic.
What is everyone's opinion of Taravangian? : r/Stormlight_Archive
But Taravangian is a scholar where Dalinar is a soldier, and most importantly Taravangian believes in "The ends justify the means" where Dalinar believes "The journey and the actions you take along that journey are at least as important as the end goal". The thing is i can see where both of them are coming from.
Taravangian and Odium (ROW ENDING SPOILERS) : …
2021年9月1日 · In RoW Rayses corpse "replaces" Taravangian when he is stabbed by Szeth [Hero of Ages] When Leras (Preservations Vessel) died it was described as If Elend had waited just a few more minutes on that ashen field, he would have seen a body-short of stature, black hair prominent nose-fall from the mists and slump dead into the ash.
Taravangian’s Diagram: a theory : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
2022年12月4日 · ~ Taravangian I think that when he created the original Diagram, Taravangian foresaw his potential to kill Odium, but the chances were so small, from his perspective, that he focused on a Plan B of saving Kharbranth. Nevertheless, I think the Diagram alludes to the possibility and guides Taravangian towards his slaying of Odium.
Taravangian : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
2022年2月16日 · Odium sees this and doesn't fall for it, and Taravangian concedes by saving at least some people, because he doesn't believe Odium can be defeated. So in Taravangian's eyes, even if it's not what he wanted and it means saving only a tiny number of people, saving one city is better than saving no one. That's how I interpreted it, anyhow.
Taravangian : r/Stormlight_Archive - Reddit
2020年12月12日 · Where Taravangian is the route Kaladin might have taken if he had been a much worse person. Both their cores are about saving people, yet Kaladin wants to save everyone and Taravangian wants to save a subset, definitely at least partially for himself, despite what he says to make himself feel any better.
Taravangian: Theory (Full Spoilers inside) : r/Stormlight_Archive
2019年7月23日 · I always thought that taravangian asked for capacity and he thinks his boon is intelligence and his curse is compassion. I think he has them inverted I think compassion is the boon and intelligence is the curse. I.e. one example is from OB when taravangian has another very intelligent day and he requests the singing children outside be murdered.
Thoughts on Taravangian on one of my own "smart days" - Reddit
2022年12月22日 · Taravangian is a complicated character to identify as since you know, he is a pile of shit (morally, character wise he is my favorite). But I absolutely agree with you. I also feel that way, having smart days, days where I feel I can do anything and days where my mind is just a thoughtless pile of mud.