约 767,000 个结果
  1. Cervical lymphadenectomy, or neck dissection, is the treatment of choice when there is evidence of lymph node metastasis from thyroid cancer.
    Cervical lymphadenectomy, or neck dissection, is the treatment of choice when there is evidence of lymph node metastasis from thyroid cancer.
    In 30-50% of patients with cancer of the thyroid gland, the cancer spreads to the surrounding lymph nodes in the neck. Neck dissection is a surgical procedure performed to remove these lymph nodes.
  2. Management of the Neck in Well-Differentiated …

    Critical areas of nodal disease: Nodal metastases from thyroid cancer can be found in areas not necessarily addressed by a neck dissection as described for other types of head and neck cancer; meticulous intraoperative assessment …

  3. Thyroid Cancer Neck Dissection 的研究
  4. Central neck dissection in differentiated thyroid cancer: technical ...

  5. Neck Dissection for Thyroid Cancer - Anschutz Medical Campus

  6. Indications and extent of central neck dissection for papillary …

  7. Standards and Definitions in Neck Dissections of Differentiated …

  8. Neck Dissection for Thyroid Cancer - SpringerLink

  9. Lymph Node Dissection for Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

  10. Thyroid Cancer Neck Dissection 的相关搜索