What is the proper way to explain the twin paradox?
2016年3月8日 · The paradox in the twin paradox is that the situation appears symmetrical so each twin should think the other has aged less, which is of course impossible. When we're separated by distance, we are subject to perspective, such that you look smaller than me and I look smaller than you. But we don't claim that this is impossible We do not cry paradox.
general relativity - How is the classical twin paradox resolved ...
The "paradox" in the twin paradox is that a naive view of the problem would suggest that the situation ought to be perfectly symmetric: each twin should believe that he or she is really at rest, while the other twin is the one who moves off at high speed then returns.
When Discussing the Twin Paradox: Read This First - Physics Forums
2023年1月2日 · This article is intended for anyone who wants to start a thread here at Physics Forums on the twin paradox. There are already many, many threads here on this topic, and they tend to cover the same ground over and over again, so it seems useful to put a description of that ground into an article that everyone can read before starting yet another ...
The twin paradox and general relativity - Physics Stack Exchange
2019年2月11日 · The twin paradox in special relativity has been discussed over and over again. Send a twin on a spaceship out to someplace or another accelerating at Earth gravity, then have it go through a series of decelerations and accelerations -- all at 1g -- so it returns to Earth, where the other twin is waiting.
Twin paradox calculation - Physics Stack Exchange
2021年12月8日 · On that basis you might suppose the travelling twin would find the stay-at-home twin to be younger, and hence there to be a paradox. However, you have overlooked the fact that at the turn around point, the plane of constant time for the traveller switches from sloping upwards in time away from the Earth to sloping upwards in time towards the Earth.
Twin Paradox: Still a Paradox? - Physics Stack Exchange
Actually, the paradox in the "Twin Paradox" was never the paradox you so often see today. Einstein presented the first example of two clocks in his 1905 paper on special relativity. One clock remains stationary and another clock makes a round trip. Upon return, the traveling clock will be behind the stationary clock.
Understanding the Twin Paradox: Simplifying with a Clear …
2023年12月5日 · The Twin Paradox is considered a paradox because it seems to contradict our everyday experiences and intuition about time. While it appears paradoxical that one twin could age less than the other, the resolution lies in the principles of special relativity, which show that time is not absolute and can vary based on relative motion.
A Geometrical View of Time Dilation and the Twin Paradox
2015年11月12日 · The twin paradox. The twin paradox is the analogue of our second example with two curves starting and ending at the same points. In the case of two twins, where one leaves to travel to a faraway land and later returns, the world lines in …
Spacetime diagram - Twin paradox - Physics Forums
2013年2月12日 · I was studying the twin paradox (of Einstein special relativity) and everything was working well until I get to the traveler's spacetime diagram. First let me introduce the paradox for you to understand the diagram. Pam is the twin sister of …
special relativity - Time dilation and twin paradox - can this be ...
2019年6月15日 · So the twin on earth has a clock, and the twin on the rocket has a clock. The clock on the moving rocket is not slower, but the twin on earth will see those intervals as extending for longer periods in their own frame. And, likewise, the twin on the rocket will see the earth twin's clock as ticking longer (slower) time intervals.