Valplast® Flexible Partials
Many people consider a Valplast Flexible Partial to be the most comfortable option for their denture and the final restoration can be made quickly and precisely! Typically more affordable than fixed restorations and only a bit more than conventional dentures with visible metal clasps, Valplast offers a uniquely beautiful aesthetic quality that ...
Clinical Techniques - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Special abrasives and techniques will allow you to make adjustments and fine tune the fit of any Valplast® partial just as you would with acrylic. Follow these simple instructions to ensure success when working with your next Valplast® case.
FAQ - Valplast® Flexible Partials
If you already have a Valplast® Flexible Partial, please click here to register now and activate your lifetime warranty! If your partial denture was delivered to you without the Certificate, please ask your dentist to confirm that Valplast® resin was used in your partial.
Caring For Your Valplast® - Valplast® Flexible Partials
- Caring For Your New Full or Partial Denture - Your new restoration, like your natural teeth, requires care and good oral hygiene. - Clean Your Dental Appliance Regularly -
Patients - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Valplast® Flexible Partials are a beautiful, comfortable and affordable choice for tooth replacement. Flexibility, combined with strength and light weight, provides total comfort and great looks for any dental patient.
Adjusting Your Valplast — Valplast® Flexible Partials
Valplast provides a solution especially designed for chairside adjustments of a Valplast® restoration. Each Valplast® Chairside Adjustment Kit includes 3 essential burs and a Valplast® knife allowing for fast reduction, delicate adjustment, and smooth finishing.
Dentists - Valplast® Flexible Partials
The strong, flexible nature of Valplast is perfectly suited to the variety of natural conditions in the mouth, simplifying design and enabling the flexible nylon resin to act as a built in stress breaker in order to provide superior function and stress distribution in a removable partial denture.
Precise-Fit - Valplast® Flexible Partials
With a Precise-Fit™ baseplate from Valplast, the dentist can evaluate not only the jaw relation and tooth arrangement, but also preview the fit of the final restoration before processing, saving labs and doctors valuable time and money and reducing the need for adjustments.
Find a Dentist — Valplast® Flexible Partials
Please call 1-800-DENTIST or visit www.1800dentist.com for more details on how to locate a Valplast dentist in your area. What is 1-800-DENTIST? 1-800-DENTIST is a free service that matches people with dentists in their local areas.
Authenticity - Valplast® Flexible Partials
Did you know that Valplast can be registered online to check for authenticity? Our material authentication program was first launched on October 1st, 2009. If you received your Valplast after this date you should have been supplied a Valplast Certificate of Authenticity with a …