How do I make a batch file wait / sleep for some seconds?
2017年5月3日 · I use a batch file to start up a few of the programs I need running in the background. Up until now, I had used the pause command to execute it after some of the other start-ups finished. I would prefer to use the wait or sleep commands but they do not appear to be included in Windows 7.
How to wait in a batch script? - Stack Overflow
I am trying to write a batch script and trying to wait 10 seconds between 2 function calls. The command: sleep 10 Does not make the batch file wait for 10 seconds. I am running Windows XP. Note: This is not a complete duplicate of Sleeping in a batch file as the other question is about also about python, while this is about windows batch files.
How to sleep for five seconds in a batch file/cmd [duplicate]
I made this. It is working and show time left in seconds. If you want to use it, add to a batch file: call wait 10 It was working when I tested it. Listing of wait.bat (it must be in the working directory or windir/system32/):
Sleep/Wait command in Batch - Stack Overflow
2012年2月10日 · But to do the whole process silently, it's not possible with cmd/batch. One of the ways is to create a VBScript that will run the Batch File without opening/showing any window. And here is the script: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WshShell.Run chr(34) & "PATH OF BATCH FILE WITH QUOTATION MARKS" & Chr(34), 0 Set WshShell = Nothing
Better way to wait a few seconds in a bat file? [duplicate]
It should be noted that while the choice command is waiting 5 seconds for input, the timer gets reset each and every time the user presses a key. So it is possible that your batch file will never exit this choice step. Therefore it is also impossible to guarantee that the routine will only wait 5 seconds -- it could be longer because of a key ...
How do I add a timer to a batch file? - Stack Overflow
2012年5月11日 · It also accepts a parameter to ignore the key press. Parameter List: /T timeout Specifies the number of seconds to wait. Valid range is -1 to 99999 seconds. /NOBREAK Ignore key presses and wait specified time. /? Displays this help message. NOTE: A timeout value of -1 means to wait indefinitely for a key press.
windows - How to make a batch file wait for a process to begin, …
2013年7月11日 · powershell -windowstate hidden :9 tasklist /fi "imagename eq Chrome.exe" /fi "CpuTime gt 00:00:20" > Uit5.dat & findstr "INFO" uit5.dat >NUL & if errorlevel 1 (choice /d y /t 2|choice /d y /t 2) goto :9 REM you could write to a file, and check if the criteria "INFO" is not present, therefore your original criteria is true.
CALL command vs. START with /WAIT option - Stack Overflow
2014年12月18日 · - For an exe-prog the caller batch waits or starts the exe asynchronous, but the behaviour depends on the exe itself. - For batch files, the caller batch continues, when the called <batch-file> finishes, WITHOUT call the control will not return to the caller batch. Addendum:
Pausing a batch file for amount of time - Stack Overflow
2014年4月29日 · Sleeping in a DOS batch file How to wait in a batch script. I have a program that is kicked off with a batch file. The first module takes 10 seconds or so to initialize, and I want a way to "sleep" for 15 seconds before the second module is called, but I don't want it to require the user to hit a key like "pause" seems to require.
windows - How can I make the batch file wait until another batch …
2019年3月18日 · How can I make a batch file wait until another batch file has finished? For example, I have: echo hi >r.txt echo some piece of code >>r.txt start ar.bat echo some piece of code >>ar.txt I want the code after start ar.bat to execute only after ar.bat finishes executing. I tried without start and it works, but I want to run ar.bat in a separate ...