The Wake Rake is 10 inches long (25.4cm) and is supplied with all necessary tubing to connect it to your choice of indicators. AEROLAB offers a Multi-tube Manometer. Although designed specifically for the EWT, the Wake Rake is adaptable to other tunnels and applications. Contact AEROLAB for details. Optional Features
An integrating wake rake concept is discussed here as very suitable for in-flight profile-drag measurements on gliders. The experimental setup is in essence the same as used with other integrating wake rakes, which uses a series of Pitot tubes that feed into a single manifold to measure the averaged total pressure deficit in the wake of an airfoil.
wake rake is that it can provide useful data and is relatively simple and inexpensive to build. Objective The overall objective of this experiment is to design an integrating wake rake capable of making accurate profile drag measurements. This wake rake, ideally, should be inexpensive and
DRAG MEASUREMENTS THROUGH WAKE ANALYSIS Introduction The purpose of this laboratory exercise is to measure the drag of different simplified vehicle shapes by means of wake analysis. The wake downstream of the model is measured with a rake consisting of total pressure and static pressure probes. Most of the measurements are automatic, which means
The HM 170.28 experimental unit – used in the wind tunnel HM 170 – allows the wake on a cylinder immersed in a flow to be measured. To record the total pressures, the experimental unit contains a wake rake consisting of 15 Pitot tubes. Each Pitot tube is fitted with a hose connection.
In general, three different types of wake surveys are used: conventional wake rake, traversing probe, and integrating wake rake. The conventional wake rake is a series of Pitot probes that span the entire wake and collect pressure data.
Objective: Using the airfoil model, wake-rake, and the Scanivalve pressure measurement system: Calculate the lift and drag coefficients of the airfoil at various angles of attack. Compare experimental force characteristics with XFOIL data.
An averaging total pressure wake rake used by the Cessna Aircraft Company in flight tests of a modified 210 airplane with a laminar flow wing was calibrated in wind tunnel tests against a five-tube pressure probe. The model generating the wake was a …
2018年6月29日 · The accuracy of the “PIV wake rake” method to measure the drag of transiting objects is evaluated. Tomographic particle image velocimetry measurements are conducted on a sphere towed at different speeds, within a Reynolds number range where the drag coefficient is …
Alternatively, the aerodynamic loads can be evaluated using wake rakes, invoking the conservation of momentum across a control volume containing the model and measuring the total and static pressure in the wake of the model (Betz …