约 312,000 个结果
  1. Warfarin side effects: Watch for interactions - Mayo Clinic

  2. Warfarin (oral route) - Mayo Clinic

  3. Warfarin diet: What foods should I avoid? - Mayo Clinic

  4. Prothrombin time test - Mayo Clinic

  5. Antiphospholipid syndrome - Diagnosis & treatment - Mayo Clinic

  6. Herbal supplements and heart medicines may not mix

  7. Blood thinners: Can I still get blood clots? - Mayo Clinic

  8. النظام الغذائي مع عقار وارفارين: ما الأطعمة التي يجب أن أتجنبها؟

  9. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) - Symptoms & causes - Mayo Clinic

  10. Cataracts - Diagnosis and treatment - Mayo Clinic