Weberian apparatus - Wikipedia
The Weberian apparatus is an anatomical structure that connects the swim bladder to the auditory system in fishes belonging to the superorder Ostariophysi. When it is fully developed in adult fish, the elements of the apparatus are sometimes collectively referred to as the Weberian ossicles or Weber's ossicles .
Weberian apparatus | Lateral Line, Sensory Organs & Physiology
Weberian apparatus, distinctive chain of small bones characteristic of fish of the superorder Ostariophysi (carps, characins, minnows, suckers, loaches, catfish, and others). The Weberian apparatus consists of four pairs of bones, called ossicles, derived from …
Weberian apparatus - University of Cambridge
The Weberian apparatus is a specialized auditory structure of the axial skeleton of otophysan fish (series Otophysi, within the superorder Ostariophysi).
Weberian Apparatus - Biology Educare
2022年7月26日 · The skeletal chain formed by the four ossicles connecting the anterior chamber of the perilymphatic sac and the swimbladder, known as the Weberian apparatus. Scientist Weber discovered them in 1820, hence the name Weberian Apparatus.
Weberian apparatus - Wikiwand
The Weberian apparatus is an anatomical structure that connects the swim bladder to the auditory system in fishes belonging to the superorder Ostariophysi. When it is fully developed in adult fish, the elements of the apparatus are sometimes collectively referred to as the Weberian ossicles or Weber's ossicles .
Weberian apparatus – Fishionary
2015年9月11日 · The Weberian apparatus is amplifies hearing in Ostariophysian fish. This series of small bones links the swim bladder to the inner ear in Ostariophysian fish, including minnows, carp, catfishes, and characins.
The Weberian apparatus improves auditory capabilities by transducing sound pressure waves into vibratory movements, which the neuromasts linked to the lower otoliths are able to receive ( DE B URLET , 1934; P OPPER , 1974; C HARDON & V ANDEWALLE , 1989).
Histology And Structural Integration Of The Major Morphologies …
Within Cypriniformes, we propose three distinct morphological classes of the Weberian apparatus based on the level of skeletal expansion around the swim bladder: simple (typical of most Cyprinidae), anterior plate (found in families such as Gyrinocheilidae, Catostomidae, and Botiidae), and encapsulated (either single-capsule as found, e.g., in ...
The Weberian apparatus is a complex morphological structure comprised of several modified elements. The elements of the Weberian apparatus span from the poste-rior skull to the anterior trunk (Figure 1), and its compo-nents are morphologically and functionally integrated.6-9 Received: 3 August 2019 Revised: 18 March 2020 Accepted: 23 March 2020
DIOGO, R. Origin, evolution and homologies of the Weberian apparatus: a new insight. Int. J. Morphol., 27(2):333-354, 2009. SUMMARY: The Weberian apparatus is essentially a mechanical device improving audition, consisting of a double chain of …