West Middle School
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Martin Klein, Interim Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal
Welcome to WMS | West Middle School
Located on the west side of the city, West Middle School serves approximately 500 students each year in grades 6-8. We are proud to be a neighborhood school in a community with a strong commitment to education and collaboration.
Schedule | West Middle School
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Martin Klein, Interim Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal
Staff Directory | West Middle School
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Martin Klein, Interim Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal
Contact Us | West Middle School - wms.binghamtonschools.org
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Martin Klein, Interim Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal
Staff | West Middle School - wms.binghamtonschools.org
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Martin Klein, Interim Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal
Guidance | West Middle School - wms.binghamtonschools.org
The school counselor works with families and their children when referrals to special programs, specialists, and community agencies are in need. The WMS Guidance Office is open when school is in session.
Staff | West Middle School - wms.binghamtonschools.org
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Martin Klein, Interim Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal
Advanced Courses | West Middle School
Students can earn college credits in high school, which can save time and money. Advanced courses are weighted, which means they can boost Grade Point Averages. We make sure to support all students in advanced courses, both academically and non-academically.
West Middle School - wms.binghamtonschools.org
West Middle School West Middle Avenue Binghamton, NY 13905 Phone 607.763.8400. Kristine Battaglino, Principal; Ronald Smith, Assistant Principal; Margarita Panko, Assistant Principal