Auto Ordnance 1911s ? | The High Road
2003年2月22日 · I've seen a few on some online at decent prices, but haven't heard much about their quality. I've got the itch for a milspec 1911, and have been drooling at the Springfield Armory 1911A1 Milspec, but some of the Auto Ordnance 1911s look pretty nice, too. Probably won't be …
What is your gun laws for your state/city | The High Road
2011年5月8日 · Nyc------6 to 9 month to receive your home/resident permit,,,,can !!!onIY!!! take it outside the home for target/range pratice,,,,almost $500 for a three YEAR permit,,,,mag cap--ten,,,carry(no way)---EACH TIME YOU WANT TO PURCHASE A GUN YOU MUST FILL OUT A PURCHASE ORDER FORM AND MAIL IT TO...
Lubricate the slide? - The High Road
2017年10月29日 · The average gun these days has a stainless slide and polymer frame, clean it once in a while. If you blasted 250 rounds with it at the range you likely just need to lube and wipe down - the official recommended method of the US Army for the M16/4 in combat, and only once daily, mostly to get the environmental crud off it to prevent jams.
Manufacturers websights | The High Road
2003年6月27日 · I am having trouble finding some homepages for some companies. I figure that if I cannot find them then somebody else may not be able to find them either. The reason I put this into the Handgun: Autoloader category is that I would like …
So why are O/U guns more expensive than autos? - The High Road
2007年6月7日 · An auto can be made with much cheaper machining, with a lot greater tolerances, etc. All modern ones are modular, designed from the ground up to be built efficiently in a modern factory. The trigger group generally contains most of the moving parts, and it's built on an assembly line and pinned into the receiver as a unit.
Mini 14 Magazines | The High Road
2007年2月5日 · At the recent gun show in pasadena, I managed to pick up some Pro-Mag steel and polymer 30 rounders for my mini 14. I haven't used them yet but the fit fine the polymer is a little to tight for my liking. Does anyone have any success said brand. Maybe some recommendations guys?
Which beater? | The High Road
2019年3月5日 · I am wanting a beater/truck gun semi auto in a caliber suitable for things ranging from finishing off a wounded jackrabbit from 5 paces to a plausible self defense option. I want a gun that I do not care if I lose it/drop in the mud/break bashing in …
gun ownership rights in other countries. | Page 2 | The High Road
2010年2月5日 · In Russia, average citizens have rights to own and bear some types of arms. As usual here, laws are complicated and sometimes plain dumb, and self-defense with guns is usually frowned upon by courts :( Still, a brief summary All firearms can be bought only with permit from police. Subsequent...
Legally Making a Semi Auto Fully Automatic | The High Road
2003年2月8日 · How does one legally make say a Smith and Wesson hammer fired semi auto fully automatic or capable of select fire? Can one do this with a legally registered machine gun sear? Does one legally have to use that specific sear that one owns to make that gun fully automatic or can one keep the sear...
Best semi auto for a lefty? | The High Road
2013年2月3日 · My uncle is looking to buy a handgun. He is familiar with the beretta 92 from military service, but is open to any ideas.