Enemy is a 2013 surrealist psychological thriller film directed by Denis Villeneuve and produced by M. A. Faura and Niv Fichman. Written by Javier Gullón, it was loosely adapted from José Saramago's 2002 novel The Double. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal in a dual role as two men who are physically identical, but different in personality.
2014年2月6日 · Enemy: Directed by Denis Villeneuve. With Jake Gyllenhaal, Mélanie Laurent, Sarah Gadon, Isabella Rossellini. A man seeks out his exact look-alike after spotting him in a movie.
Thanks to a strong performance from Jake Gyllenhaal and smart direction from Denis Villeneuve, Enemy hits the mark as a tense, uncommonly adventurous thriller. Read Critics Reviews
2024年11月15日 · The Enemy ending is an abrupt, shocking, and puzzling final moment that has been discussed widely since the movie's release in 2013. Directed by Denis Villeneuve, Enemy is a taut psychological drama starring Jake Gyllenhaal in a dual role as both Anthony Claire and Adam Bell, two men who appear identical but behave very differently.
Enemy is a 2013 surrealist psychological thriller film directed by Denis Villeneuve and produced by M. A. Faura and Niv Fichman. Written by Javier Gullón, it was loosely adapted from José Saramago's 2002 novel The Double. The film stars Jake Gyllenhaal in a dual role as two men who are physically identical, but different in personality.
Adam Bell (Jake Gyllenhaal), a college history professor (specializing in dictatorships), lives a quiet, monotonous life (class, home, dinner, sex and then all over again) in Toronto.