Check your level of English grammar. The following test contains 50 multiple choice questions related to various fields of English grammar: tenses; modals; conditionals and unreal tenses; indirect speech; passive voice and causative structures; infinitives, gerunds and participles; relative clauses; inversion; articles; countable and ...
Online English Grammar Tests with Answers for Free – English Grammar Tests Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced Level
Interactive grammar tests and simple games are a great way to confirm a lesson. Here is a list of hundreds of free grammar tests and games, which are grouped by word type or topic (e.g., punctuation, vocabulary).
English Level Test. You can take this test to determine your approximate level of English grammar. Alternatively, you can take a few of our Use of English tests. If your grade on a Use of English test is 65% or higher, it indicates that your approximate grammar level is …