The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library – A Resource for Canon …
Welcome to the Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library, curated by David M. Freidenreich. The purpose of this site is to bring together in a single virtual location publicly accessible electronic resources for the study of medieval canon law.
Canon Law – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library - Colby College
A Resource for Canon Law Scholars. Toggle mobile menu. Toggle search field
Decretum, Decretists – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library
Edited by Anders Winroth et al. (work in progress). [text-searchable pdf with supplemental material, hosted by Stephan Kuttner Institute of Medieval Canon Law] Paucapalea, Summa (1146-1150) [text-searchable pdf] Die Summa des Paucapalea über das Decretum Gratiani. Ed. Johann Friedrich von Schulte. Giessen: Emil Roth, 1890.
Liber extra, Decretalists – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library
Liber extravagantium decretalium (Decretales Gregorii IX) (1234) [text-searchable pdf] [] [spreadsheet of canons with incipits and inscriptions]. Liber extravagantium decretalium.Edited by Emil Friedberg. In Corpus Iuris Canonici, volume 2.Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1881. Reprint Graz: Akademische Druck- u.
Medieval Religious Law – David M. Freidenreich - Colby College
Much of my research focuses on medieval religious laws regarding adherents of foreign religions. What ideas do such laws communicate about “them” — and about “us”? What influences these ideas, and how do they change over time? Canon Law
Early decretal collections – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library
Honorius III. Honorii III Romani Pontificis opera omnia quae exstant.Ed. C. Horoy. 5 Vols. Bibliotheca Patristica Medii Aevi, vols. 1-5. Paris, 1879-82.
Resources – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library - Colby College
The history of medieval canon law in the classical period, 1140-1234: From Gratian to the Decretals of Pope Gregory IX. [ searchable fulltext ] Edited by Wilfried Hartmann and Kenneth Pennington.
Carolingian canon law – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library
Collectio Dionysio-Hadriana (774) []Cochlaeus (Johannes Wendelstinus), Dionysio-Hadriana.Mainz, 1525. Hosted by the University of Kentucky. Collectio Dacheriana (ca. 800) [pdf of Collectio canonum poenitentialium]Jean-Luc D’Achery, ed. Spicilegium sive collectio veterum aliquot scriptorum qui in Galliae Bibliothecis delituerant.Paris, 1723.
Ivonian collections – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library
Collectio Tripartita, Decretum, and Panormia.[Ivo of Chartres: works in progress.Editions prepared by Bruce Brasington, Martin Brett, and Przemyslaw Nowak. Hosted by Knowledgeforge.
Liber sextus, etc. – The Medieval Canon Law Virtual Library
Liber sextus (1298), Constitutiones Clementinae (1317), Extravagantes Joannis P. XXII., Extravagantes communes [text-searchable pdf] . In Corpus Iuris Canonici ...