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Why Jews Hang a Mezuzah on the Doorpost | My …
A mezuzah serves two functions: Every time you enter or leave, the mezuzah reminds you that you have a covenant with God; second, the mezuzah serves …
What Is a Mezuzah? - The Scroll on the Doorpost
The mezuzah is the hallmark of the Jewish home, demonstrating that it leads to a Jewish household. When a Jewish family affixes a mezuzah on their permanent residence they are forming another link in Jewish history and continuing a …
What is a Mezuzah and What’s It Used For? - TheCollector
Mezuzah - Ancient Symbols
Mezuzah means doorpost in Hebrew. It is a symbol of God and the Torah. Some people think of it a symbol of protection. Mezuzahs can be found on the outside doorposts of Jewish residents.
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Mezuzah - The Scroll Placed on Jewish Doorposts
A mezuzah (מְזוּזָה) is a parchment scroll, on which the Shema is handwritten by an expert scribe. A mezuzah mounted on the right side of the doorpost of a Jewish home reminds us of G‑d and our heritage.
What is a Mezuzah? Mezuzah meaning - Judaism
May 29, 2024 · In the realm of Judaism, one of the most recognizable symbols associated with this ancient religion is the Mezuzah. A mezuzah is not just a decorative piece or a cultural artifact; it holds a profound spiritual meaning and …
What is Mezuzah: All You Need To Know About Mezuzah
Mezuzah is one of the most important Jewish Symbols, and placing a Mezuzah on the door entry is an important part of Jewish culture. A Mezuzah is made up of two parts, the case, and the Mezuzah scroll.
Mezuzah Designs and Their Meanings - Design Swan
Jan 16, 2024 · Traditional mezuzahs often feature classic Jewish symbols. The Star of David, menorah, and the Hebrew letter Shin (ש), representing “Shaddai,” a name of God, are common. These symbols connect the mezuzah to deep …
Mezuzah: Prayer, Placement & Meaning | Aish
A Mezuzah is a small scroll inscribed with Torah verses, usually placed in a case, and is fixed to the doorpost of a Jewish home. What Is The Meaning of The Mezuzah? On the doorpost of every Jewish home rests a mezuzah.