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- Dorothy Lyman
Beverly Archer - Dorothy Lyman
as Opal - Dorothy Lyman
Actress - Richard
Moll - Mama Dorothy Lyman
Me-TV - Dorothy Lyman
in Half - Dorothy Lyman
Another World - Dorothy Lyman
Biography - Vicki
Lawrence - Dorothy Lyman
Movies and TV Shows - Dorothy Lyman
All My Children - Dorothy Lyman
Interview - Celia
Weston - Dorothy Lyman
as Opal Gardner - Ken Berry
Movies - Mama's House
Full Episodes - Who Framed Roger
Rabbit Drink - Richard Dawson
Movies - Mama's House
TV Show - Beverly Archer
Death - All My Children
1983 - Thelma
Harper - Julia
Child's - David Berry
Actor - All My Children Phoebe
and Myrtle - All My Children
Cast - Jill Larson
Actress - Mary
Fickett - All My Children
1970 Episodes - Vicki Lawrence
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