Chair Yoga For Seniors 50, 60 And Beyond: Gentle Chair Yoga And Stretches To Improve Flexibility, Balance And Relieve Aches And Pain. Fully Illustrated. (Pdf/Epub Version)
Stretches For Seniors 50, 60 And Beyond: Simple Movements That Increase Mobility, Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain. Fully Illustrated + Videos (Pdf/Epub Version)
Chair Yoga For Seniors 50, 60 And Beyond: Gentle Chair Yoga And Stretches To Improve Flexibility, Balance And Relieve Aches And Pain. Fully Illustrated. (Pdf/Epub Version)
Stretches For Seniors 50, 60 And Beyond: Simple Movements That Increase Mobility, Improve Posture And Relieve Back Pain. Fully Illustrated + Videos (Pdf/Epub Version)